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"Highly, highly recommend it to everyone." 



“There was an awful lot of learning about how we view disability, and also how we empower and trust each other.” 



“Just within a few hours you really build trust both in yourself and with others.”  Paula 


"Darkest Hour was a rich and imaginative event - unlike anything we have ever hosted before.  Andy facilitated it with a strong sense of safety, compassion and grace - guiding people through a very affecting experience.  I saw some participants with tears in their eyes afterwards, reflecting on what a          profound experience they had had." 

Dr Justine Huxley, CEO of St Ethelburga's Centre


"The SuperSense workshop was a fascinating sensory exploration of the Cannock Chase forest and opened up many hidden perspectives on listening to Living Symphonies in situ. It was hugely enjoyable for all involved and has changed many of the participant’s perspectives on their non-visual senses. We are incredibly grateful to Andy Shipley for his time, creativity and professionalism in instigating and running the workshop, and hope to explore the potential of working together again soon” 

James and Daniel 


"I remember when we met in the early summer thinking what an extraordinary experience it might be for the conference delegates; in the event the workshop exceeded my expectations and I know will have changed those who took part."  John Noble, Greenleaf


 “We had the most enjoyable evening and despite feeling very out of my comfort zone at times it has really made me appreciate how we look at the world, quite literally! I was really taken by how much time effort and soul had gone into the evening. The time from the minute we arrived to when we sadly had to go was well thought out, well managed, and well executed. The food alone was an experience but the setting the atmosphere and the other guests were all truly memorable. I learnt a lot about myself too in a short space of time. I would love to be involved in what ever projects you do and I am spreading the word in south wales, as to the café and the thinking behind the evening.” 



"Supper Sense, for me, as the chef, creates an opportunity to begin to forget what I think I know about food (and the act of eating in itself). On the whole, eating is a fun sensory experience. Supper Sense creates the platform to begin to strip away key senses (i.e. sight – which I found out makes up 83% of our perceived reality!). It wasn’t easy coming up with menu ideas but it was fun bouncing ideas off of the other chefs and staff. I think at one point we were discussing  beef-flavoured jelly and horseradish ice-cream! Maybe it was good we went back to the drawing board… I think the evening was well organised with interludes of poems and activities relating to the other four senses or food. It was a very interesting and enjoyable experience from my perspective."  

Nate and Leona, St Werburghs City Farm Cafe



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